Pupil Premium
The funding is used to support and enhance the educational experiences of Pupil Premium children across school, to ensure progress and raise attainment. The Governors have made it a priority that the support for Pupil Premium children is delivered by very well qualified and experienced staff. As a result, a large part of the funding has released senior members of staff and paid for additional teaching staff to work with groups of children across school, and this has ensured progress for the vast majority of Pupil Premium children.
In addition it has subsidised or paid for a range of educational support and enrichment activities across the school:
- CPD opportunities for staff to ensure quality first teaching
- Enrichment visits
- Additional resources to support learning (My Maths, Reading Plus, Lexia)
- Targeted interventions for reading, handwriting, spelling, writing.
- After school clubs
- Counselling support
- Music tuition
- Residential visits, subsidised for all Pupil Premium children. This enabled them to have a high quality residential experience